
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pool Closed Hot Tub OPEN

The pool is officially closed till next year. Please stay OFF the blue cover. This is very expensive and dangerous.
The hot tub will remain open for the winter. This is a lot of fun and very relaxing. You are welcome to remove cover to use the hot tub and then please cover it again when you are through. This will keep the heat in the water and cut the heating costs.
Please use caution when entering the pool area when there is snow and ice present.
I hope you enjoy yourselves.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Water Safety

I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather and the pool facilities. I wanted to remind everyone to please help watch out for children at the pool. I have been reading articles on drownings and most children drown right in front of adults. The signs are not what people think. The children rarely make a sound and are usually vertical trying to get their nose to the surface. Their throat is seizuring  and they struggle to get a sound out. It looks like they are playing.
I have heard of a few people at the pool telling their kids to leave them alone while they are sun bathing or swimming. Drowning takes seconds.
Please play safely and watch the children.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Pool is OPEN!

The pool is open. The cover will remain closed until you want to use it. Please close it after you are finished if it is a cool day. Once it is consistently warm we will open it earlier and leave it open.

The doors to the clubhouse open at 6am everyday. The pool area automatically locks at 11pm. Please remember that you will be locked in the pool area until someone with a manager key can let you out. You should leave the area by 10:55 to be sure you are able to leave.

Please remember to use swim diapers on your un potty trained children. No food or drinks in the pool. No glass containers in the pool area. No animals inside the pool area ($50 fine). NO soap in the pools. No alcohol.  Please follow the rules in your HOA manual. If you don't have any there are some posted on the inside of the clubhouse wall near the woman's bathroom.

Please remember to clean up after the use of any of the clubhouse facilities. People can use the clubhouse at anytime when it is not reserved. Let continue to be considerate of others. It is always nice to leave things better than found.

Lets have a safe, clean and respectful summer! HAVE FUN!!
